Zimska pozivnica

Zimska pozivnica

Priroda News

Poštovani posjetitelji! U srcu smo kalendarske zime koja nam sa sobom nosi vlastite čari te izazove života i boravka na našem Cresu. Stoga smo vam opet pripremili “zimsku pozivnicu” s prigodnom cijenom kako bi posjetili otok Cres i pobliže upoznali raznolikost našeg otoka – od prostranih kamenjarskih pašnjaka na jugu, preko jedinstvenog fenomena Vranskog jezera sve do šuma Tramuntane na …

sup 6H7 (002)

An interesting find

Priroda News

An interesting find Looking through the photographs of a trail camera placed near the sheep’s carcass, we noticed a griffon vulture with a dark ring that, along with other vultures, struggled with temperamental behavior to reach its portion of the meal. Spreading the wings, stretching the neck and with a striking way of walking, lifting the legs almost to the …

kvarner ruta2

Griffon vulture "Kvarner" – further destiny

Priroda News, zanimljivosti

Do you remember our griffon vulture Kvarner which, after it’s release from the Beli Rescue Centre for Griffon Vultures flew from one side of the Adriatic sea to the other and attracted the attention of the general public and experts who are engaged in studying the griffon vultures? Let’s continue the story of this extraordinary bird that is followed by …


Kupala griffon vulture in a sanctuary in Germany

Priroda News, zanimljivosti

Our griffon vulture Kupala, released back to nature from our Centre on 17 September 2018, is currently in the sanctuary for wild birds in Dresden in Germany. We saved the griffon Kupala (fig. 1) from the sea close to the island of Plavnik in June 2018, and he was banded in Beli Rescue Centre where he spent three months in …


Priroda News

Bura – wind with two faces Bura is a wind with two faces – nice and ugly. It is characteristic of the eastern Adriatic coast where it is especially severe on the Kvarner bay and islands because of the proximity of the mountain barrier Velebit and the mountains in the hinterland of the Bay of Rijeka and the Vinodol Channel. …

Let "Kvarnera"


Priroda News

Griffon vulture named „Kvarner“, after rehabilitation in the Rescue centre for griffon vultures in Beli, tagged with GPS transmitter and released back to nature on the Island of Cres on the 17. September 2018. reached Italy, flying over the Adriatic sea! Really unbelievable achivment for this species, which unwillingly and seldom fly great distances above open sea, because of the …

(foto Sonja Šišić)

After several month of recovery, six griffon vultures released back to wilderness

Prospekt News

Plavnik, Kvarnerić, Kruna, Nevera, Jadran and Pavlomir are back to wilderness. At the beginning of May 2018. six griffon vultures one year old were realised into wilderness after ten months of recovery in Rescue Centre for Griffon Vultures Beli on island Cres. These birds were found and rescued mostly by locals, so they gave them second chance for life. It …

(foto Tomislav Anić)

An unexpected guest in Rescue Centre for griffon vultures Beli!

Priroda News

Krajem svibnja iznenadio nas je i obradovao neočekivani gost koji je posjetio naše Oporavilište u Belom. Radi se o bjeloglavom supu iz divljine, koji je odlučio sletjeti na letnicu te provesti nekoliko sati na njoj! Malo je reći da smo ostali iznenađeni njegovim posjetom, a vjerujemo također da nismo jedini; naš bjeloglavi sup Merag, koji se nalazi na oporavku, pomno …

predavanje (foto Tomislav Anić)

First worshop aimed at drafting the proposal for action plan on the eurasian griffon vulture

Priroda News

On Monday 28th of May 2018 in Rijeka was organised the 1st workshop aimed at drafting the proposal for the Action Plan on the Eurasian Griffon Vulture. The workshop was attended by employees of Public Institution “Priroda” and Beli Visitor Centre and Rescue Centre for Griffon Vultures Beli as well as other stakeholders who provided the necessary information and comments …

(foto Tomislav Anić)

Workshop within the Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project – BAPP

Priroda News

On Tuesday 29th of May 2018 in Zagreb within the Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project (BAPP) was organised workshop about preventing poisoning of wild animals. On workshop were also present employees of Public Institution “Priroda” and Beli Visitor Centre and Rescue Centre for Griffon Vultures Beli. One of the objectives of the Balkan Anti-Poisoning Project (BAPP) is to develop national anti-poison road …